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| Al Suhaymi House

منطقة Downtown
9 Al Tambaksheyaa, El-Gamaleya, Qism El-Gamaleya, Cairo Governorate.
  • 9 Al Tambaksheyaa, El-Gamaleya, Qism El-Gamaleya, Cairo Governorate.
تعليقات الزوار علي

Al Suhaymi House

عدد النجوم
Bayt Al-Suhaymi is an old Ottoman era house museum in Cairo, Egypt. It was originally built in 1648 by Abdel Wahab el Tablawy along the Darb al-Asfar, a very prestigious and expensive part of Islamic Cairo. In 1796 it was purchased by Sheikh Ahmed as-Suhaymi whose family held it for several subsequent generations.

The space along Al-Muizz Street has been valuable real estate since the construction of Islamic Cairo in the 10th century because it was the central avenue of the city and the location of the city’s most important buildings.

Palaces, mosques, and the mausoleums of the wealthiest rulers of Cairo were all constructed in the prized space along this central avenue.

The Darb Al-Asfar (the Yellow Way) where Bayt Al-Suhaymi is located, only meters off of Al-Muizz Street, became one of Cairo’s most wealthy streets, as well-heeled citizens competed for property close to “the Palace Walk”, the title given to Al-Muizz Street in Naguib Mahfouz’s novel of the same name.

Bayt Al-Suhaymi, built in the 17th century, was one of the grandest homes in Cairo.

Restored in the past decade after having fallen into disrepair during the 20th century, this house is now a beautiful example of medieval Cairo’s finest non-monumental architecture.

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